Senator Lightford would like to share with you that a City Colleges of Chicago Open House event will be taking place on the 18th of November, 2015. The Open House event will take place at six out of our seven campuses. Due to the construction of the new Malcolm X campus building, which is scheduled to open in January of 2016, Malcolm X College will not be hosting an Open House event.
There will be two sessions of the Open House event on November 18th. The first session will occur between the hours of 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and the second session will occur from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Below are two links for interested people to register for either the morning or evening Open House sessions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact City Colleges of Chicago directly at 773-851-0197 or
Morning session Invite Link:
Evening Session Invite Link:
This week, Nov. 1-7, 2015, is National Apprenticeship Week! New apprenticeships are emerging every day, preparing workers at all levels with the skills and training necessary to compete and thrive in today's economy.
With over 445,000 active apprenticeships across the country, these affordable and critical work experiences are offering many people a way forward to higher wages and a satisfying career.
Follow the links below to find more information on local apprenticeship opportunities.
The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal and the Illinois Finance Authority are pleased to announce that applications for the Ambulance Revolving Loan Program are now being accepted.
This program provides 10-year, zero-percent or low-interest loans of up to $100,000 for the purchase of ambulances to units of local government that provide ambulance services and not-for-profit ambulance service providers. (For-profit ambulance service providers are not eligible for this program.)
Applications must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2015.
Application materials can be found at
Any questions regarding the Ambulance Revolving Loan Program or the application may be directed to Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal, Division of Special Projects, at (217) 785-4717.
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